Professional info
Dimitri Zenghelis is Special Advisor for the Wealth Economy Project, which he previously co-founded and led, at the Bennett Institute, University of Cambridge and is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics. He is a Senior Associate at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. He was until recently Head of Policy at the Grantham Research Institute at the LSE and Acting Chief Economist for the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. Previously, he headed the Stern Review Team at the Office of Climate Change, London, and was a lead author on the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, commissioned by the then Chancellor Gordon Brown. He was also Senior Economic Advisor to Cisco's long-term innovation group and an Associate Fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House. Before working on climate change, Dimitri was Head of Economic Forecasting at HM Treasury. He advises governments, financial institutions and international organisations (including the UN, World Bank and regional development banks, the Mayor of London and the UK Committee on Climate Change among others) on macroeconomics, sustainable growth, climate change and innovation.
London School of Economics
Senior Visiting Fellow, Grantham Research Institute for Climate Change. Economic research centre, chaired by Lord Nicholas Stern. Analytical research to produce rigorous, policy-relevant contributions to international debates around, and responses to, climate change (2008-2012).
Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House
Associate Fellow. Develop international understanding of the economics of climate change, and the role of policy institutions in safeguarding global security and prosperity (2008-2013).
Work experience
Project Leader, The Bennett Institute. 'The Wealth Economy'
Cambridge University [see cv for up-to-date details]
2018- present
The Wealth Economy Project. Enabling sustainable prosperity by better understanding and measuring the modern economy
Economic Consultant [see cv for up-to-date details]
2017 - present
Coordinating Lead Author, Economy, UN Global Environment Outlook, GEO-6. Senior Visiting Fellow, Grantham Research Institute, LSE. Work with Vivid Economics, LSE Enterprise, World Bank, EBRD, Price Waterhouse. Commissioner, London Sustainable Development Commission advising Mayor
Co-head Policy, Principle Research Officer
Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics
2013 - 2017
Lead economic analysis to understand and develop global climate/energy policy
Acting Chief Economist
Global Commission on the Economy and Climate/New Climate Economy
2013 - 2014
Lead economic analysis and provide a rigorous and balanced application of the economics toolkit to assess the diverse challenges
Senior Economic Advisor, Cisco Systems
2008 - 2013
Led economic analysis to develop institutional and technical solutions to intractable twenty-first century challenges. Projects delivered on smart urban development, the economics of innovation and the social benefits of a connected society.
Advisory roles
UNEP International Resources Panel Panel Member (pending)
World Bank Cities and Climate Change
Stern Cities Project
Economics Director
Journal for Environmental Investing
Editorial Board
Global Urban Development
Advisory Board
The Climate Group
Smart Cities Advisory Group
UK National Ecosystem Assessment
Advisory Board
UNEP Green Economy Report
Contributory advisor and reviewer
Climate Change Task Force Associate/Contributor
OECD Green Cities Programme
Green Alliance
European Space Agency
Integrated Applications Panel
Sustainable Development Research Network
Advisory Committee
The Climate Centre
Senior Economic Advisor
Llewellyn Consulting
London Sustainable Development Commission
Commissioner, appointed by the Mayor of London
Committee on Climate Change
Advisory Board
Costs and benefits of net-zero
Senior Visiting Fellow
Grantham Research Institute for Climate Change and the Environment
2008 - 2012
Economic research centre, chaired by Lord Nicholas Stern. Analytical research to produce rigorous, policy-relevant contributions to international debates around, and responses to, climate change.
French (basic conversational)
2010 - present
2010 - present
Associate Fellow, Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs
2008 - 2013
Developing international understanding of the economics of climate change, and the role of policy institutions in safeguarding global security and prosperity.
Team Leader, Stern Team, Prime Minister’s Office of Climate Change
2005 - 2007
Build on the findings of the Stern Review to lead the international economic debate on climate change. Led and developed staff, took responsibility for analytical work-streams, delivery of regional climate studies and high-level global representations.
Senior Economist, Stern Review on Economics of Climate Change
2005 - 2007
Led on the costs of mitigation, ‘competitiveness’ impacts, model comparisons, theoretical and ethical framework. Led in disseminating and presenting Review, taking forward analysis and principles to strengthen delivery of UK's international climate change strategy. Presented review internationally to global leaders.
Head of Economic Forecasting, HM Treasury, London
1999 - 2005
Responsible for Government macroeconomic forecast using HM Treasury model. Regular briefings to Chancellor and Prime Minister. Represented HMT at OECD, EC forecast meetings, IMF Article IV discussions, Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England, National Accounts division of the ONS etc... Editor of internal Economic Note research papers. Head of EMU Analysis Branch. Inform and administer any future assessment of the Five Economic Tests. Briefing and advice to ministers. Review progress of single currency in euro area.
Other work history
1993 - 1998
Prior to joining HM Treasury Dimitri has worked as a consultant with Oxford Economic Forecasting, and at the Institute of International Finance, Washington DC on East Asian and S.E. Asia trade and investment flows, and macro economic policy. He also worked for Tokai Bank Europe, London. In the early 1990s Dimitri was a Senior Economic Advisor for the Liberal Democrats, House of Commons, London. Dimitri is an artist and published photographer, his interests range from architecture to philosophy of science and despite being born with two left feet, he enjoys rock-climbing, skiing and advanced nitrox scuba diving.
Bristol University
MSc Economics
Dissertation: “Measures of Persistence in International Economic Time Series”
Oxford University, St Hugh's College
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Thesis: “Money, Equilibrium and Prices”. Winner of Nancy Burton Prize for PPE with essay entitled “Examining Monetarism”